Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Actors Masquerading for Republicans?

One thing is clear:  somebody has to be (a) extremely devoted and passionate, or (b) simply a jerk,  or (c) being paid a lot of money to stand on a soapbox out in the rain proclaiming the cause.  The causes with the loudest voices on the streets of Charlotte had "anti" prefixes.  Protesters were against legal abortion, illegal immigration, gays, Wall Street, non-Christians, and of course Obama.  Most followed the rules of peaceful civil demonstrations, holding signs and trying to chant in rhythm and rhymes ("Power to the People, We are not Illegal")..  But a few protesters were exceptionally obnoxious, so much so that you had to wonder if they were being paid to be disruptive.  An anti-abortion crusader walked through the James Taylor concert crowd holding a giant poster vividly depicting what he was against. He tried to time his moves while Taylor sang "Sweet Baby James". Simply Gross.   Another protester on the corner of Tryon and Trade demonstrated why gays and lesbians could not be successful at reproduction. He and his team of amateur biologists used plastic props and a microphone to show how "penetration" simply could not happen.  Simply Gross.  Other protesters preached selectively from the Bible to castigate sinners around them, using karaoke set-ups or the hidden mikes that hawkers use at state fairs to sell veg-o-matics.  They set up shop right outside the Epicenter of people traffic to read from their prepared scripts for hours at a time, looking and sounding like a hired dee-jay behind glass.  Jobs are at a premium, and passersby were kind....I opted to shoot a photo of a more upbeat message on a Catholic church.

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