Friday, September 7, 2012

Ashley Asks (Nicely) What Pisses You Off...

She apologized for using the phrase, then said it: "You work hard when you fight for things you believe in.  Ask yourself, pardon the expression, what pisses you off."  Ashley Judd, actor and activist, was on the panel discussing a tough issue -- forced prostitution in Asia and how the plight of young women there led to her involvement in a group called Population Services International (PSI).  We attended the panel event Thursday because it focused on human development and poverty issues, subjects touching on UN Millennium Development Goals we knew a bit about.  Miryam's job at the UN had human trafficking on its agenda, and my job had scientific development at its core.  The panel touched many bases, from the perspective of Ashley and the Prime Minister of Zimbabwe Morgan Tsvangirai, ex-Foreign Minister of Britain David Milliband, ex-Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, and Michael Elliot, ex-Time editor and head of the ONE campaign against poverty.  Some key messages:  1) "Afro misery" is old school thinking:  Seven of the world's fastest growing economies are African.  2) Many people think America spends way too much to help other countries in their development.  In fact, while America is the world's top contributor, it spends just 1.1% of its gross national product on international aid.  Britain's share is lower, 0.5%.  3)  China is very active in Africa -- "cell phones and the Chinese are the biggest changes over the past decade," noted Zimbabwe's Prime Minister. Thousands are in his country building roads, bridges, plants.  4)  Celebrity activists have clout -- Ashley had lunch with Melinda Gates, Bill's wife and Foundation partner, and even got to eat Melinda's ice cream dessert. PSI gets funding from the Gates Foundation.

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