Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ground Control to Major Green

We finally found parking... $20 a day from the College Street entrance, and $10 a day from the 8th Street entrance 100 feet away.  That's why some people think we need Romney.....Today was protest time -- a group of illegal immigrants purposefully had themselves arrested to raise awareness of their cause and plight. They were undocumented migrant workers who've lived and worked for decades in Arizona and Utah, and they came to Charlotte with their family, friends.  They gained some along the way.  Actress Rosario Dawson (think "Seven Pounds with Will Smith) voiced her support, when she came across the demonstration on her way to chair a meeting of Voto Latino, a group she heads. Her timing was perfect -- she was interviewed just as the protesters were hauled off to jail in prisoner vans. She said she was inspired by their courage and their lives, and vowed to keep supporting their aim of amnesty.  Then she smiled my way, if all too briefly.  More on this protest as time allows.... it was an education in law enforcement and civil demonstrations.  At times there were more police, sheriffs, homeland security agents, and national guard troops around than protesters.  When I asked an officer why there was such a show of force, he said they wanted to make sure that the demonstrators were protected and could make their case.  When I asked why they needed so many officers, prisoner vans, and police four wheelers, he said that I would have to get that information from "Major Green."  I spent a good deal of time seeking out the Major to no avail....if you happen to see him, have him call or something.

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