Sunday, September 2, 2012

What's an Expat?

Wikipedia:  "An expatriat (in abbreviated form "expat") is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country and culture other than that of the person's upbringing."  That would be us. After working and living in the middle of Europe for a quarter century, Miryam and I are rediscovering America, and the diversity that makes this country whole.  Along the way, we are learning about ourselves, and the families around us.  We're settled in North Carolina for now, and are finding our way around the cities, the state, the south.  For the past couple of months, we've been helping in Wilmington with voter registration, knocking on doors and meeting people outside shops, on the streets, and even at liquor stores to sign up voters, and update voter records.  In September, we headed to Charlotte to participate in the great American tradition of a national political convention.  We are not part of the official script, but like every American are a big part of the cast.  Whatever happens, it will be an education.  The last campaign Lou personally covered was in 1976, as a cub reporter in grad school in Washington, DC.  He got to ask Ted Kennedy some questions about health care reform way back then while running after his car on Capitol Hill.   Let's see what the streets of Charlotte bring....

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